New gallery Mistress Gemini

Inserita il: 14/10/2008 19:21

img newsHello, my name is Mistress Gemini. I am originally from Oxford, England and have been in Los Angeles for the better part of seventeen years and still love it. While I love traveling the world and enjoying new experiences & cultures, I could never imagine myself anywhere else. Not to mention I have a degree in Fashion Design; so I think it is the best city I think to reside in, especially with all the industries here. After graduating college back in 2000 I was at a cross-road and had the opportunity to explore this lifestyle and my sexuality in full. I was not really looking forward to working 50+ hours for someone else at $10 an hour or thereabouts; so the lure of being independent, making my own schedule and being my own boss was, as you can imagine, more enticing to me. The rest as you say is history.

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