Servo cocacola

Servant cocacola

 city   Bolzano Italy

cocacola servant
 role  personal slave




I’ve surfed for some time the Internet browsering here and there and loocking for a Mistress.  Several times

I had contacted some Mistresses, but talking with them I had no sensation felt,  

one day, browsing the site of a famous Madame, I found

a Italian Mistress,  the only Italian One to join the Other World Kingdom.I told myself :

”why don’t I try to call? “. Before calling, I waited for days, I was afraid of

not being up to the Goddess.

After peeled the Lady FetishDea ’s site far and wide, I decided to

contact Her, already the first words I could see Her sweetness,

in order to invite me to call the next day, which I have done

with even more agitation.

We told any minutes and we agreed to see us in January, every word She said has felt me

more and more linked to Her.

I called the January 2 and the Lady wanted to see me on 04 January 2009 (the most important

day of my life).

On Saturday I tried to prepare for good. The night I have not slept, I was there to think

that finally It had been the time of the meeting. Thas morning I stood up early to

prepare myself, I’ve made a shower and then I ‘ve waited for the time to leave home, I had to be to the Lady

at 15.00. I left home At 11.30,slowly, I didn’t want to make mistakes that could ruin

this day, I arrived around Her house at 14.00; an hour before, I did not

know whether to call or wait, until the end I called, asking to Mistress of my early arrival,

but She told me with Her usual sweetness to get there and I pointed to some

steps in the path (the last kilometers before reaching the Paradise of

Lady FetishDea ). Once in your home, I called Her, She told me to wait and to follow Her

when She would exit with the car;  those minutes were wonderfull, waiting to see Her;

the light of the gate stared to flash, the car was coming out and She observed me and I was to follow Her,

without any sign, without hesitation I turn on the engine and various sensations went fast in my mind so for the last kilometers to reach Her office... Arrived here

told me to park in the driveway and to achieve Her. So I did the maximum speed

that I could, we finally were face to face, She was beautiful and I was nervous; here a

particular hat me: She told me to stay close to the ice for no ending to the ground,  my impression

was  also protection to own slaves shows the

Mistress’ greatness. I gave Her the tribute I’had led, and I saw

immediately that She liked. She was wearing boots dark brown color, long black skirt and

a shriveled  jacket,  shriveled as I unfounded Her, a small but great Mistress:  we know that

good wine is in the small ... So we went in the first I had to kiss his boots and then began to teach me things: how to

remove the jacket and boots. Then She wore on a black bra  with some

gray in particular lace, a body always in black lace, a gray miniskirt and

a pair of pump shoes with high heels 12cm of Dior with a tuft at the front. I

tried to make myself useful, but between 'moment of embarrassment and fear of touching too much,

I think I made a figure of "slave" ...I did remove the shirt and remain naked 

in order to applay a bare-chested to on my  neck and a leather  nipple-stretcher .That afternoon

the Mistress  expecting other slaves, and that I had to choose where I stay in time,

in the garden or in a closed pilloried, I chose, overlooking

the pillory, but She left me free my head (due to Her experience) , there were the hardest

minutes of my life .. But I totally felt Her, I thought that She know the to have

a locked slave there. At any free the Lady freed me and taught me:

I did fix the bathroom where She had been showering and She taught me to massage Her hands,

here I  have understood to be in Her full possession because after just 40 minutes

that She had know me, She was had a perfect view of my past from behind the scenes

to make the first step to meet Her, I was surprised but happy; and I did adore and kiss

her wonderful feet and I watched Her eyes  between your fingers looking for a hint

that always  came, these moments make me sure that I have found a great

Lady. She ordered me to take bath depilatory cream, razor and toilet

paper. I  helped Her to apply the cream on the legs and I took the time in which the effect was

the cream, every time She push my constricted nipples using Her feet,

and She  put them on my  face.. After 5 minutes She began to shave Her legs and

I clumsily tried to help Her. Then I helped to wash Her wonderful  legs and

to dry them, it is a pleasure to be helpful to a great Lady, even though I was not very clever  for these kid o f services.

Then She order to apply the cream for the body on the divine legs, the great moments with

her that I supported Her chest delightful walk. After the trampling proved useless on my body, She taught me to remain in the ground like a carpet, and She walked barefoot on me; the walking on my body certainly wasn’t so  great as I thought, at least I need to something. While she was above me told me that after I have tried

Her whip Here I did a review of torture: whip,

the cat with nine tails, paddle, the tweezers with chains and the wheel of Pain,

all feeling fantastic, but the whip truly legendary, even if painful. My day in

the company of Mistress lady Fetishdea ended pilloried for another twenty minutes. I helped Her

to  put in order and getting the Jacket after which we moved, She was always

sweet I took  my car and She  expected me to accompany me to the main road, She stopped

alongside the road near a traffic light, red for once, and we saluted:

“hello servant” She said, I returned the greeting, committing a mistake giving the "you".

I took  this opportunity to apologize for done .. and I looked forward to the moment of being punished for my

absence ...
I came at home in 2 hours but I ‘ve need some time to realize the happiness there was in my heart.

Thanks Lady FetishDea

cocacola servant,  Exclusive properties  of Lady FetishDea

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