OWK 2008
The first day of celebrations, there was a small cerimony during which the OWK anthem was sung and when every single man is punished to pay for the crimes against women during centuries.
The OWK wardians are, quite rightly so, proud of their dominance and they escort me around the structure which I am familiar with since 2006 but my sissy is quite happy to be shown around so that she can have an idea of what will be going on. The Queen’s Palace contains a dining room, library, the throne room and a torture chamber on the tower with a view on the park.

Likewise, it is very important the dungeon in the underground foor, a very familiar pictures to those who have visited the OWK world. Really actual and authentic prisons, with cages dedicated to sense deptrivation. One thing to remember, if you choose the imprisonment programme, you will be spending all night in the cages.
Within the OWK there is an indoor pool, restaurant, bar, drawing room and also a club called Club Wanda with many BDSM tools; the big torture wheel is on the side and the Club is opened til the morning.
To the pathetic submissive creatures are reserved hard tasks and humilation.
In the afternoon, there is the annual competition to identify the best amazon Mistress. It consists of a series fo events upon human ponies. This is a familiar concept within the OWK, giving the opportunities for (meaningless) tasks, humiliation, punishment. Some servants might spend up to one month at the OWK living like horses, sleeping in stables; there is also a dedicated racing field 250 metres long where human ponies on their legs tow manu different types of charriots.
An other humiliating and degrading game is throwing eggs; the Mistresses run after naked slaves around the park…slaves run under the sun, sweating and frightened, falling on bushes and on stones, since they have arms tied up at the back…with broken eggs leaking across their bodies…
The atmosphere at the OWK is of an elegant SM Country Club and everytime I attended the OWK and I have always met internationally renowned Mistresses
Queen Patricia is the most enigmatic feminine figure. At the fetish party, all Mistresses were very elegant whilst men are admitted only as furniture.
Wardians are also very intriguing, it is not easy to interact with them and they keep themselves to themselves. This doesn’t however diminsh their being human. They are the essence of authority and discipline, they maitain their reputation of brutality,
The pub is the only space where the submissives can use the furniture but only if authorised by their Mistresses, everwherelse this would lead to punishment. It is mandatory for submissives to wear, night and day, a collar as wekll as they do not have any privileges and musg obey to their (but not only) Mistress. Thankfully the rules are written on the OWK website and I do strongly advise to read them carefully.
Further advises consits of asking if it is possible to take along your own “toys” though it is possible to rent clothes such as latex clothes, corsets, hats, gloves, boots, shoes…etc. I also advise to book well in advance, especially during the celebrations period, in order to ensure a space within the OWK rather than travelling to nearby hotels.
OWK is like a entertainment park, a Disneyland for Women, offering an amazing opportunity to live your SUB or DOM life. Fantastic atmosphere living your BDMS dreams. I arrived the day before 2008 celebrations in order for my Sissy Marta to get familiar with the place. Keeping up the role is of paramount importance at the OWK since people not sharing the female superiority are not really wellcome and all attendees share the same Femdom values.

As i entered the OWK i proceeded presenting myself to Lady FetishDea to enter Her services. Then i went into the pub, where i suppose to find Her or another Lady that could give me more informations on how to reach Her presence.
Turned the cross of the way that reach the pub i see a Lady walking to the opposite direction(to this miserable slave), with her sissy servant. It seems that the search has come to an end faster than i've espected. I went on a side to let the Lady pass, at this point She turn Her head to me and asked for who i am. When the name of Lady FetishDea was pronounced trough my lips immediatly sings of reactions appear over Her face : I am Lady FetishDea.
So this humankind has known the Goddess for the very first time, I present myself for Her committing total submission to Her priviledge.
There I had the chance of knowing Mistress Vanita. Then the moment came of fun for the Mistresses.
Still many of the Ladies present in the Celebrations were there, and most of them could be found enjoying some last hours of social interaction before departing. There did Lady FetishDea and Mistress Vanita join. Later, the fun moved to the Club Wanda, where some of the Mistresses had their chance to show Their skills, and where this creature had the pleasure of trying for the first time Catherine’s Wheel. Immobile in the Wheel, both Mistresses enjoyed applying clamps, CB bondage, crop, flogger and Wartenberg wheel.
After a while in which this servant could meet the other slaves that would be at the service of Lady FetishDea (including a German, an Italian and an English… another Italian and an Austrian would come the day after), we all went to sleep, since we had to be fresh for the next day.
All the morning long, we had a photo session which included scenes in the prison under the Queen’s Palace, at the kennel, at the “power plant”, at the side entrance of the Palace, on the public whipping stage, and on the grass (both near the flag and next to the Palace). The morning gave pass to the lunch time, after which the film shooting took place.
The Mistress enjoyed a ride on cart with us as pony-boys,so as a walk with nice sights to the lake.
Another film was shot in the prison, mostly focused on pain-games.
Dinner marked the end of this exhausting day. The Lady had largely earned a long rest.
The Club Wanda was the scenario for another film, in which the Dea appeared as an individual worth of worship and servitude. This took most of the morning, so that we went on shooting after lunch.
And then came the last film, shot at a Sitting Room in the Queen’s Palace. This film reflected a time for the Lady’s rest and delight, enjoying the human furniture and the servants at Her disposal.
Dinner came, and then a time for relaxing with walks, talks and playing pool. The only thing left to do was waking up early the next morning in order to say good bye to the OWK, the servants and to the Dea, to which it is a honor to serve.
The Dea asked me about my limits and preferences. After which we went to the pub in order for She and Her sissy slave to had dinner. There I had the chance of knowing Mistress Vanita. Then the moment came of fun for the Mistresses.
Still many of the Ladies present in the Celebrations were there, and most of them could be found enjoying some last hours of social interaction before departing. There did Lady FetishDea and Mistress Vanita join. Later, the fun moved to the Club Wanda, where some of the Mistresses had their chance to show Their skills, and where this creature had the pleasure of trying for the first time Catherine’s Wheel. Immobile in the Wheel, both Mistresses enjoyed applying clamps, CB bondage, crop, flogger and Wartenberg wheel...... After a while in which this servant could meet the other slaves that would be at the service of Lady FetishDea (including a German, an Italian and an English… another Italian and an Austrian would come the day after), we all went to sleep, since we had to be fresh for the next day.
CELEBRATION 2008 - SISSY MARTA EXPERIENCE The day of departure I was a bit tense, Lady Fetishdea and myself got up early and whilst we were awaiting for a driver, I was checking everything was ok for the journey. When the driver arrives, he got the baggages into the car and lady Fetishdea and myself sat in the car. At the airport the dirver unload the baggages and went to park the car, then he joined us for breakfast before going back.
I was then alon with Lady Fetishdea, waiting for the departure time. We did not speak much since the Lady is not used to get up that early…whilst I was extremely nervous. We took off and after one hour we were in Prague where a slave with a OWK board and a collar was waiting for us. I then realised that a new life was starting for me. Along the way to the OWK, which took longer than the flight itself, I tried to rest whilst Lady Fetishdea was very calm. Once there I started to get more nervous and I knew that a new reality was waiting for me. Lady Fetishea told me “get ready slutty servant, not you have to put in practice what I taught you”. I was speechless when I heard that sentence, Her eyes were shining, I never saw that expression on Lady Fetishdea face…Anyway, I couldn’t go back anymore, once parked the car, we went towards the checking in area….and I noted two Mistresses whipping their slaves. We were given the key of the room and 2 slaves carried our baggages to the room. Once in the room, I was ordered by lady Fetishdea to get changes and wear my best uniform, undo her baggages and put all the clothes in the wardrobe, whilst the shoes had to remain nicely in view. Lady Fetishdea got changed, She was very elegant, She put a collar and leash on me ready for a quick visit around the OWK. Once in the dining room, we met two Italian Mistresses to whom Lady Fetishdea asked few questions. I was told to stay next to her, on my knees. One of the Mistresses spoke a good english and Lady Fetishdea asked to explain the programme for the next few evenings.
Two of the many programmes caught Lady Fetishdea attention, the first one being the slaves auction (for a minimum of 5 hours, at their Mistress discretion) and the second one being the judging panel assessing rude and not polite slaves. Lady Fetishdea told the two Mistresses that She liked the idea to put myself on auction and sell me to a Mistress happy to pay well. I wasn’t allowed to talk but only to remain on my knees. Then in the evening, in the room, I begged Lady Fetishdea not to sell me. Lady Fetishdea told me that She wouldn’t but that I deserved to be judgsed by the panel since I missbehaved in the past few days.
Bedtime arrived and Lady Fetishdea told me to prepare her bed and help her to get ready for the night. She told me to memorise exaclty the process otherwise I would get 10 whipping strokes everytime I would get it wrong (I must have had accumulated 200 strokes…). The followng morning I got up early since I am not that quick to get ready (which Lady Fetishdea does not like), I served breakfast to Lady Fetishdea in bed walking on my high heels shoes (as trained by Lady). Everytime I left the room, I had to be back within 5 minutes; one morning I met a beautiful American Mistress wearing a beautiful latex dress, She told me to spray a shining product on her dress. I could nto say no to her but when I was back I was late for Lady Fetishdea, so I knelt at her feet to justify myself. She told I could have my breakfast but at her feet. Later on that morning we went to the Queen Palace where all Mistresses usually seat on confortable seat and slaves seat on small three legged chairs. I was behind my Mistress who suddenly called me telling me to follow her. I had to go on a stage with other 12 naked slaves, since I was a sissy I could keep my clothes on. Slaves had to stay on their fours, with our bottom will in view, whilst Mistresses started whipping us. I closed my eyes, and got whipped. I then went back to my Mistress who decided to go back to the room, then back to the palace again after one hour. Lady Fetishdea handed me over to a wardian telling me to go to the corridor and get completely naked. We were 5 slaves there, each one of use had a number on the forehead and on the back. A warden put a collar and leash on the first slave and brought him into the Throne room where all Mistresses and their servants sat. from where I was I could only hear the judging voices and the whipping noise. I was awaiting for my turn, suddenly the wardian got me in to the room . An Italian Mistress translated for us. I was then tied up to a pole and I was told all my failures. I only had to acknowledge my failures and get ready for the punishment, …before the Queen….
CELEBRATION 2008 – MISTRESS VANITA This is just a bit of My experience at the OWK. It was My first visit and I enjoyed every single moment that I was there, apart from.... you will see.
Having just returned from attending the 12th Anniversary Celebrations at the Other World Kingdom in the Czech Republic, it has now become even more apparent to Me that the male creatures of this world are very much underrated and do have a very important role to play in society. Without them, who would collect the rubbish, clean the streets and carry our shopping? So you see those idiots I usually refer to as useless do in fact have a purpose in life.
What a weekend, fantastic Female company, gorgeous weather apart from a little thunder and lightening one afternoon, nice food and pleasant surroundings. Although I have slaves around Me here in England and My life is one of being pampered and enjoying the luxuries of life, there is nothing to compare to being completely immersed in world of total Female Domination where every male is severely punished for the slightest misdemeanour or perhaps even a misplaced glance.
I haven't had so much fun and met so many beautiful and intelligent, like minded Women for a long time. Relaxing and enjoying simulating conversation with such interesting Sublime Ladies such as Lady Fetishdea, Mistress Luna, Mistress Dada Sreni, Senhora Helga Vany Freyja, Senhora Ama, Mistress Johanna, Mistress Kristine, Mistress Shane, Madame Helene, Madame Regina, Lady Mona, Goddess Lilith, Maitresse Kika and Mistress Elizabeth whilst our slaves either served our meals, drinks, massaged our feet or were just utilised as foot stools, was just marvellous.
The weekend was well structured and executed and incorporated many excellent events and competitions catering for a wide variety of tastes. The events included ponyboy races, a slave auction, slave hunt, best whipped male ass competition and much more.
On reflection the only down side to the whole weekend was the behaviour of My two accompanying slaves. Apart from one isolated incident they were generally quite well behaved but a disturbing trend surfaced between them as they vied for position at My gorgeous feet. Their jealousy of one another became most apparent and the situation had to be dealt with. I will not tolerate jealousy between My slaves. I expect them to work together in unison to enhance My lifestyle and not to bicker with one another like naughty children. Their actions have now caused Me to rethink their positions within My household.